I though it would be interesting and valuable to future newcomers, to chronicle my journey into 3D printing. By posting this here my hope is to help others who may struggle with the the same decisions and issues that I likely will encounter and hopefully over come. I was inspired to write this after following and reading much of Zacbot build log "
zac's Eventorbot build". I appreciate how he credited his sources and shared how he came up with solutions to his problems.
Let me say first that I am by no mean experienced or knowledgeable. While some might make the mistake of calling me handy, I have very little experience with electronics, soldering, or machining. I am familiar with AutoCAD but have only begun learning Solidworks which I plan on using after seeing it referenced on other blogs.
At this time I am not planning on buying a kit but rather utilizing an existing RepRap design and tweaking it.
Please feel free to message me or post any suggestions. Also I would enjoy reading others build logs if anyone has any recommendations.